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How to Reduce CO2 Emissions and Your Carbon Footprint

Did you know that Antarctica has been losing nearly 150 billion tons of ice each year since the late 90s?

Global warming has sped up the process of climate change, and many people see the consequences worldwide.

To help preserve the planet and prevent climate change from worsening, there are things that you can do.

If you’re ready to learn how to reduce CO2 emissions and help the planet, read along and start making these small changes!

Eat a Plant-Based Diet

One of the best ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is by eating a plant-based diet.

Not everyone can handle going vegan or vegetarian, but the more effort you make the better. The meat industry is harmful since the animals are sources of CO2 emissions. You can save animals, money, and the planet by opting for plant-based options instead.

If you aren’t ready to make the full switch, it can help to choose one day of the week for this diet. There are plenty of delicious plant-based proteins that you and your children will love. You can even find dinosaur-shaped nuggets that taste like chicken!

Eating fruits, veggies, grains, and beans can not only help the Earth but also your health. The meat and dairy industries play a large role in emitting greenhouse gases that you can avoid.

Switch to Solar

Solar power is a clean energy source that produces a smaller carbon footprint.

It has the power to run homes and businesses while also reducing greenhouse gases. Switching to solar power can help mitigate climate change and lower your utility bills. Although the initial costs can seem high, many incentive programs can help you financially.

Solar panels are effective in areas that get a lot of clouds and overcast skies. If you live in an open area with plenty of sunshine, you can potentially earn money by contributing power to the grid.

This is an effective way to help the environment since it reduces the use of nonrenewable resources and cleans the air. It’s common for people to install their panels on a rooftop so they are out of the way and have the most contact with the sun.

Walk or Use Public Transportation

If you want to learn how to reduce CO2 emissions, you must be willing to take the first step.

Too many vehicles are flooding the streets and freeways, resulting in terrible traffic and smog.

Walking and public transportation can reduce CO2 emissions, resulting in a smaller footprint. If you are going somewhere nearby, walk or ride your bike. The fresh air and sunshine can put you in a better mood and the environment will also benefit.

Public transportation is another great alternative since it results in fewer vehicles on the road. When there are fewer vehicles and traffic, CO2 emissions can decline.

If you can’t avoid driving, try to avoid braking and accelerating when unnecessary. When people drive aggressively, they increase fuel consumption and deplete nonrenewable energy sources.

Plant a Garden

Gardening is a calming and fulfilling hobby, but it is also a powerful tool for fighting global warming.

When you plant a flower, vegetable, or herb garden, you are contributing to an entire ecosystem. The air and soil become purified as the plants absorb bacteria, chemicals, and plastics. These plants convert them into water and oxygen.

The roots of plants of responsible for most of the absorption of chemicals. Another way that gardening helps the planet is that it requires less energy consumption. You won’t have to drive to the grocery as often which will reduce carbon emissions.

The best part about gardening is that it creates a beautiful and relaxing space. The bees and butterflies will thrive and promote a healthy environment. If you have the land and opportunity, you can make an even larger impact by growing a tree farm!

Reuse & Recycle

Reusing and recycling products is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Many people recommend buying foods and products that come in glass jars instead of plastic. The glass can get repurposed to hold other objects or melted down into a different design.

Artists and activities are finding innovative ways to get people to reuse products and send fewer items to landfills. If you want to recycle items, make sure you understand your local regulations. Some waste centers won’t accept certain types of cardboard or metal.

Donating and buying used clothing is another great way to be carbon neutral. You won’t require planes and trucks to deliver a shirt, instead, you can find them for a low cost and preserve fuel.

Use Cold Water

Most people don’t realize it but washing items with cold water, instead of hot, can prevent an increase in carbon dioxide.

While you do the dishes, laundry, and shower, try to wash with cold water. Sometimes a warm shower is nice, but each time you choose cold over hot, you are preserving fossil fuels. It takes a lot of energy and resources to heat water.

Since cold water doesn’t consume as much energy, there is less pressure on the electrical grid system. States in the western part of the country are often told to only use cold water to prevent blackouts during heat waves.

Limit Single-Use Plastics

Plastic bottles, bags, and straws are known for contaminating oceans and lands.

By avoiding single-use plastic products or disposing of them properly, you can help the environment. Plastic isn’t biodegradable and will be sitting in landfills long after humans are gone. There is so much plastic polluting the planet that no rainwater is drinkable anywhere on the globe.

You can swap these everyday plastics with biodegradable options. Beeswax sandwich bags, cloth grocery bags, and paper straws are some of the best solutions. Another way to limit plastic waste and protect the environment is by getting plastic-free items.

Companies are starting to package materials in other items to prevent more build-up of plastics.

Change Your Bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs are terrible for the planet since they require so much energy.

Changing out your bulbs for LEDs can save you money with utilities and reduce waste. Fluorescent lamp bulbs are another outdated item you’ll want to replace.

Although there are many cheaper and more stylish bulbs, the LEDs will cost less in the end. You won’t have to replace bulbs as frequently since they have a much longer lifespan.

When people switch to LED bulbs, it can shut down and limit the number of power stations necessary. The more energy that can get conserved at home, the more it can be in larger ways.

Filter the Air

Whether you invest in a company, buy a purifier, or plant a tree, you can help clean the air.

Getting rid of CO2 can potentially reverse the effects of global warming and preserve the planet. Reducing carbon through filtration requires tech so that the pollutants can be safely disposed of.

Check out Climeworks for innovative technology reducing CO2 emissions. You can invest in companies such as this one to attempt to reverse climate change and purify the air of contaminants.

Changing your air filters at home can also help your environment in a small and personal way. You can reduce the pollutants and bacteria, making a more eco-friendly home.

Volunteer Your Time

It’s common for people to volunteer for trash pick-ups around Earth day in the springtime.

Aside from spring, many people overlook the trash that’s flooding the streets and lining the shores. Throughout the year, take time to volunteer and help your local community. When there is less trash and pollution on the Earth, it has a better chance of recovering and healing itself.

If you have a full schedule and can’t attend an event, you can pick up litter during your walks. Always be safe and wear gloves while you pick up the garbage and use caution with dangerous items like glass and needles.

Do You Know How to Reduce CO2 Emissions?

You don’t need to be perfect to learn how to reduce CO2 emissions.

Small efforts that people make in their everyday lives are helping the planet heal. By reducing your waste and consumption of energy, you can minimize your carbon footprint. Natural disasters and weather are impacting the entire globe and these are only the first signs of the effects of greenhouse gasses.

Don’t be afraid to make a small change and encourage others to do the same. When communities work together, they can make a dramatic impact on the climate and encourage wildlife and plants to thrive.

Gardening is another fun and relaxing way to help the planet. You can beautify an area and limit CO2 emissions simultaneously.

If you want to learn more about climate change and protecting the planet, read our blog for the latest content!

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