FashionFinancial Glossary

What is Identity Identification (PII)?

Personal identification information (PII) is information, when used alone or with other related data, that can identify a person.

PII may contain specific identifiers (e.g., passport information) that can be uniquely identifiable, or identifiers (e.g., race) that can be combined with other identifiers (e.g., date of birth) to identify a single person successfully.


Personal identification information (PII) uses the data to verify the identity of the individual.

Unidentified sensitive personal information may include your full name, Social Security Number, driver’s license, financial information, and medical records.

Visible sensitive personal information is easily accessible from social media and can include your zip code, race, gender, and birth date.

Passports contain personally identifiable information.

Social networking sites can be considered as disrespectful information.

Understanding Identity Information

Advanced technology forums have changed the way businesses operate, legislative governments, and individual relationships. With digital tools such as mobile phones, the internet, e-commerce, and social media, there has been a huge explosion in the distribution of all kinds of data. Read more on Buy Twitter followers Uk.

Big data, as it is called, is collected, analyzed, and processed by businesses and shared with other companies. The wealth of information provided by big data has enabled companies to gain insight into how they can better interact with their customers.

However, the emergence of big data has also increased the number of data breaches and attacks on computer enterprises recognizing the importance of this information. As a result, concerns have been raised about the way companies handle sensitive information about their customers. Governing bodies want new laws to protect consumer data, while users seek anonymous ways to stay digital.

Sensitive Information Compared to Individual Identification

Sensitive PII

Personal identification information (PII) may or may not be sensitive. Sensitive personal information includes legal statistics such as:

Full name

Social Security Number (SSN)

Driver’s license

Mailing address

Credit card information

Passport information

Financial information

Medical records

The list above is not exhaustive. Companies that share data about their clients often use encryption techniques to encrypt and hide PII, so it is obtained anonymously. An insurance company that shares its customer information with a marketing company will close the sensitive PII embedded data and leave only information related to the purpose of the marketing company. BestFollowers.Uk is the best site to buy Twitter followers Uk.

Insensitive PII

Insensitive or indirect PII is easily accessible to public sources such as phone books, the Internet, and corporate references. Examples of resistant or indirect PII include:

ZIP code




place of birth


The above list contains identifiers and examples of sensitive information that can be released to the public. This type of information cannot be used alone to determine who you are.

However, insensitive information, although not strong, is connected. This means that sensitive data, when used with other connected personal information, can reveal the identity of the individual. Methods of deleting your name and redirecting are often successful when multiple sets of integrated identifiers are merged and can be used to distinguish one person from another.

 Controlling and protecting personal identification information (PII) will likely be a major problem for individuals, companies, and governments in the years to come.

Protecting Personal Identity (PII)

Many data protection laws have been adopted by various countries to create guidelines for companies that collect, store, and share client information. Some of the basic principles stated in these laws are that certain sensitive information should not be collected unless there are extreme cases.12

Also, regulatory guidelines state that data should be deleted when it is no longer needed for its stated purpose, and personal information should not be shared with sources that can guarantee its protection.1

Cybercriminal hackers break through data systems to access PII, which is then sold to willing buyers in underground digital markets. For example, in 2015, the IRS was hit by a data breach that led to the theft of PII.3 by more than 100,000 taxpayers

Using the same information as stolen from many sources, the perpetrators were able to access the IRS website request by answering personal verification questions that should have been confidential to taxpayers only.

 Protecting PII may not always be the sole responsibility of the service provider. In some cases, it may be shared with an individual.

Identifying Information Worldwide

The meaning of what constitutes PII varies depending on where you live in the world. In the United States, the government defined the “personal identity” of 2020 as “anything that can be used to identify or track personal identity” such as name, SSN, and biometrics information; either alone or by other identifiers such as birthday or place of birth.4

In the European Union (EU), the definition extends to include equal identities as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective May 2018. The GDPR is a legal entity that sets out rules for collecting and processing personal information. for those living in the EU.1

Identification Information Compared to personal data

Personal data covers a wider range of themes than PII. For example, your IP address, device ID numbers, browser c

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