
Bonna Beauty Spa – Lash Lip Brow makeup


109A Maree ave







[email protected]




Lash, eyelash, eyelash extension, lip, lip blush, lip tattoo, lip cometic, eyebrow, brow micoblading,

Hours open:

9am 6pm weekday


Eyelashes extensions can make a big difference in your beauty.

The appearance of the eyes is one of the most important parts of a woman’s face.

Lashes play an important role in defining the most attractive part of a person’s face.

Many women want to enhance their eyelashes but do not know how to go about getting them done.

Our service at BONNA Bona BEAUTY spa provides suggestions that can help you get nice eyelashes without spending too much money.

Services include but are not limited to Eyelashes extensions filling, tinting. Cosmetic Lips Tattoo, Brows Microblading, permanent makeup services.

#BonnaBeauty #eyelashextentions #eyelash #eyelashesextensions #volumelashes #hybridlash #clasiclash #lashinbankstown #lashinliverpool

#BonnaBeauty #brow #eyebrow #eyebrowsmicroblading #browmicroblading #browinbankstown #browinliverpool #lips #liptattoo #lipcosmetic #lipblushtattooing #lipblush #lipcolour #lipinbankstown #lipinliverpool

The lashes are a part of the face that we pay little attention to.

 They are there, but if you want to feel attractive, it is essential to have long and thick eyelashes.

 BONNA Bona BEAUTY is The best eyelashes service in location is highly recommended for all women who would like to look more attractive.

Services include but are not limited to Eyelashes extensions filling, tinting. Cosmetic Lips Tattoo, Brows Microblading, permanent makeup services.

#BonnaBeauty #eyelashextentions #eyelash #eyelashesextensions #volumelashes #hybridlash #clasiclash #lashinbankstown #lashinliverpool

#BonnaBeauty #brow #eyebrow #eyebrowsmicroblading #browmicroblading #browinbankstown #browinliverpool #lips #liptattoo #lipcosmetic #lipblushtattooing #lipblush #lipcolour #lipinbankstown #lipinliverpool

BONNA Bona BEAUTY spa provided you with the best tips and tricks on how to get longer and thicker eyelashes.

 Many women just like yourself are looking for ways to enhance their natural beauty and attract attention from men as well as other women.

 Getting an eyelash extension is one of the easiest ways to do this.

 You can find many places that offer eyelash extensions,

 but not all of them are of great quality and not all of them can make your lashes look very full and beautiful as you experiment with BONNA Bona BEAUTY.

Services include but are not limited to Eyelashes extensions filling, tinting. Cosmetic Lips Tattoo, Brows Microblading, permanent makeup services. #BonnaBeauty #eyelashextentions #eyelash #eyelashesextensions #volumelashes #hybridlash #clasiclash #lashinbankstown #lashinliverpool

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