
What’s Cooking: 10 Steps to Publish a Recipe Book?

How do you cook up the idea of publishing your recipe book? It’s easier than you might think, especially if you hire a book writing company to help with the process.

It’s been your dream to write your cookbook, but the prospect of writing, editing, formatting, and publishing that book feels overwhelming.

Fortunately, there are companies out there that make it easy to see your dream become a reality in no time at all! With the right support and guidance, you can publish your very own recipe book in just ten steps.

1. Hire a Good Editor

You can do all of your editings or get someone else to do it for you. If you decide on doing it yourself, hire an editor who has experience with recipe books—many editors focus solely on fiction and memoirs.

If you will hire someone else, find a ghostwriting company that works in your niche. You want an editor familiar with writing cookbooks and knows how to make them appealing without losing information.

Having your book edited by someone outside of your industry could help get rid of jargon and keep everything as reader-friendly as possible. The most important thing is that they also respect authors’ style and know what’s out there already.

2. Consider Having Professionals Edit and Format Your Book

Many book-writing companies and ghostwriters can help you format and edit your book for professional publication.

You should find out if using one of these resources is in your budget before moving forward with writing and publishing your book. However, if you decide to go with professional, good news: These services tend to be quite affordable, with pricing varying depending on word count, project length, and other factors.

3. List Your Competitors

If you want to make it in any industry, you must know what other businesses do. So take some time to list your competitors and research their offerings. You don’t have to become an expert on them, but knowing what they offer can help you figure out if there’s an opportunity for your business idea or not.

Also, consider whether their strengths could be weaknesses in your eyes; perhaps their audience isn’t as targeted as yours will be.

Use that information when creating plans for your own business; if no one else is trying something, maybe there’s an opportunity for you there!

4. Invest in Quality Photos

Get some professional-quality photos taken if you want your book to stand out from other recipe books. This may sound expensive and like more of an investment than you can handle as a first-time cookbook author.

But spending money on food photography is better than spending money on a ghostwriting company—they won’t have all of your raw ingredients sitting around or be able to present beautiful pictures with out-of-focus images and bad lighting!

Invest in high quality images for your book, and no one will be able to tell that an amateur chef wrote it.

At least not until they taste one of your recipes. That’s when you’ll know if you need more practice!

5. Create an Attractive Table of Contents

You could spend hours trying to figure out exactly how you want your book or quality content laid out, or you could have someone else do it for you.

You might not have considered hiring a ghostwriting company or freelancer specifically for creating cookbooks. Still, when it comes down to it, there’s no real difference between what they provide and what your graphic designer would be able to do for you.

In fact, many ghostwriting companies already use cooks as part of their team – so don’t stress about that part!

6. Create an Easy-to-Navigate Layout

You might want to hire a professional book writing company or ghostwriter to help you, but if you’re short on cash, don’t fret.

There are plenty of free templates online that can be easily downloaded and edited with any word processor.

Just remember: if your cookbook will contain more than 60 recipes, make sure each recipe is numbered so that all ingredients and instructions are easy to follow.

7. Select Delicious Recipes That Will Sell Books

When it comes to cooking, two things matter taste and presentation.

 When writing your cookbook, keep those two factors in mind as you think about which recipes you want to include. You may want to go for flat flavour shock value; perhaps you want practical recipes for novice cooks or complex dishes that show off your skills as a chef.

 Whatever style of recipe appeals most will be what people are attracted to—so choose wisely! Ideally, focus on just one recipe style, so your book feels cohesive rather than disjointed and random.

8. Decide Whether or Not to Include Full Meal Plans

If you want your book to be more than just recipes, you might include complete meal plans and shopping lists.

This can come in handy if you have friends or family who want step-by-step instructions on what to buy and how best to cook meals that they may not be familiar with. For example, you could add a section at the beginning of your book that would briefly explain what ingredients are needed for each recipe, saving your readers from having to flip back and forth through pages of recipes.

Don’t worry about rehashing information –make sure you include it where necessary!


Consider printing books on demand for those just looking to create a personal cookbook or recipe book. POD offers you several advantages over traditional publishing, such as controlling costs and finding precisely who your audience is.

Plus, it can be an easy way to make money from home if you turn your recipes into a business.

To get started with POD publishing, take these three simple steps:

1. Write down all of your best recipes and convert them into written form.

2. Hire writers from freelance writing services or hire ghostwriters to help a book writing company.

3. Submit your completed recipes and photos (or illustration designs) for book cover design.


The Final Word

A cookbook can be an excellent way to build your culinary career, whether you’re an aspiring celebrity chef or just looking to share your family’s recipes with the world.

Whether you have time to write your book or not, this step-by-step guide will help you create and publish your recipe book in no time at all, whether it’s available as a hard copy book or an eBook.

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