
What Type of French Press Is Best?

What Type of French Press Is Best?

French press


For a little machine that doesn’t vary much in function, a French
press coffee brewer can come in a variety of styles and designs.
From unbreakable plastic to a stainless steel French press, the
options can be suited to your taste just like your coffee. If they all
work primarily the same, how do you determine what type of
French press is best for you?
The best tip on how to choose a French press is to break it down
into these categories to help you decide.

Stainless Steel

A stainless steel French press is visually beautiful. It is also very
practical. Stainless steel is highly durable, corrosion resistant and
very easy to clean. It also compliments every other material
included to make the .

A well designed French press made from stainless steel can last
for years. Even if it’s easily replaced, something doesn’t have to
be expensive to be high-quality.


Many French presses also have glass components, most usually
the carafe portion. While glass could break more easily than other
materials, it is just as easy to clean as stainless steel. Some can
even be run through the dishwasher.

A glass French press isn’t recommended if you don’t plan to serve
the coffee immediately once brewed. Although that is usually the
case with a coffee press in general, glass specifically is not a
good insulator. That is something to keep in mind when trying to
decide which is the best for you.

Size & Servings

One of the things you want to consider when searching for the
best French coffee press for you is how much you plan to make.
Normally, a coffee press is designed for individual use and not to
serve to a large group of guests.

However, if you love the taste of French pressed coffee, there are
larger sizes available to accommodate a larger amount of coffee

There is one fact that is always forgotten about a French coffee
press, and that is, they are often measured in liters. This doesn’t
always equate to how we measure our coffee amounts in cups, so
when you determine how much you want to be able to make, do a
quick cups to liters conversion to decide if your coffee press will
be enough.

Single or Double Walled

In addition to understanding the quantity of coffee you are going
to press, you also want to consider how you drink your coffee.
If you are normally a one-cup brewer, chances are you pour the
coffee into a thermos before you leave for the day, ever to see
your French press again until the next morning. In that case, you
would probably do well by purchasing a single walled coffee

A double walled French press carafe is designed to insulate your
coffee, keeping it warmer for a lot longer. With a press however,
the intention is to not leave the coffee sitting for too long. It being
served immediately after pressing is one of the big selling points
to its flavor and convenience.

Taking that into consideration, a French press that has a double
walled carafe could be somewhat wasted unless you are unable
to serve it immediately after pressing.


Filtration is what separates certain French presses apart from the
rest. This is where materials matter – a stainless steel french
press is going to be the best option. As an example, let’s look at
the filtration system of the Cafe Du Chateau, stainless steel
French press. It has a 4-tier filtration system with all pieces made
from stainless steel.

One of the biggest complaints in using a French press, even by
an expert, is that sometimes you can get a ground, or grounds in
your coffee. A layered filtration system such as this one can help
eliminate that completely.

A stainless steel filtration system and press is also very easy to
keep clean and resists erosion. Your stainless steel
could last a lifetime if properly cared for.


As previously mentioned, it’s important to consider how you will
actually use the stainless steel French press before you decide on
The truth is, you really cannot go wrong with most designs you
choose. A coffee press brew is as classic and simple as it gets.
Some would argue that coffee doesn’t have to be fancy to taste

Your French press will likely be used mostly by you, for you.
Consider looks, materials, and design, but be sure it suits your
daily coffee needs.

A stainless steel French press may be a little more involved than
a drip machine, but the trade off is ease of use and a high quality
brew. The best French press is the one you look forward to



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