
3 Best Black Friday Marketing Ideas For Every Ecommerce Business

Last year, Black Friday eCommerce revenue in the United States hit a new high of $3.34 billion, a 21.6 percent increase year on year. What is this got to do with eCommerce? People are abandoning the traditional method of making holiday purchases in a physical store in greater numbers.

Consumers are spending more time online looking for Black Friday deals. If you run an online business, you should have the best Black Friday marketing ideas ready to go right now in order to increase sales during the holiday season.

1. Email Marketing

Begin your strategy by emailing past and potential online shoppers ahead of the influx of marketing, especially if your competitors are still deciding what to do. There is no doubt that social media is thriving, but email marketing is a tried-and-true strategy for increasing both sales and customer base.

email marketing

Email marketing accounted for 25.1 percent of sales during the Black Friday promotion season, making it the most important driver of Black Friday trades, according to Custora.

In contrast, an online retailer launched an email marketing campaign that increased revenue per email sent by 330 percent. You can also create flyers and attach them to your emails before sending them to customers, which will make your emails look more appealing and will help you increase your mail opening rates.

2. Website’s Landing Page

The landing page strategy is probably something you’ve heard of. How can you turn this into a long-term Black Friday marketing strategy for your company? According to an AdWords report, 61% of holiday shoppers start looking for products online before Thanksgiving.

Landing page

If you create a new landing page every year to increase Black Friday sales, your SEO will start from scratch, making it less likely that you will be listed at the top of the search results the next time a consumer searches for a product similar to yours.

If you create a new landing page every year to increase Black Friday sales, your SEO will start from scratch, making it less likely that you will be listed at the top of the search results the next time a consumer searches for a product similar to yours.

3. Boost Sales Using Social Media

According to a 2015 study, 3.8 million social posts mentioned Black Friday sales. That’s a lot of online shoppers to ignore. Because everything is happening in real-time, planning your Black Friday social media marketing is both exciting and difficult.

Social Media

Because you can see what they’re saying in a millisecond, people expect you to act quickly. You should vary your social media posts before, during, and even after Black Friday to increase sales. Furthermore, advertising on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other social platforms should never be overlooked, as today’s customers spend an increasing amount of time scrolling through their preferred social platforms’ newsfeeds.

Furthermore, you can create black Friday sales flyers and advertise them on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or other social platforms, as today’s customers spend an increasing amount of time scrolling through the newsfeed on their preferred social platforms.

Final Thoughts

Every online marketer wishes for an increase in Black Friday sales, but the flood of advertising during the holiday season makes it appear as if it is wishful thinking. Use the strategies outlined above to boost your Black Friday marketing campaigns and see a smarter difference.

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