
Cases that An Invisalign Procedure Can Treat

Several dental procedures have been discovered to be an effective way for the teeth to look brighter and more beautiful. They even made a solution for those who prefer a more natural look relative to treating certain dental issues. For those who opt to go through a treatment for straighter teeth, for instance. The common procedure done would be the installation of dental braces with metal wires and rubber bands. But then, with the growing popularity of an invisalign procedure, more people prefer this than the traditional one because they tend to look invisible, retaining the look of your teeth while serving its purpose of aligning them, improving the health of your gums, and for the treatment of the overall bite.

Invisalign is a dental solution and an effective alternative to braces, holding the responsibility of straightening one’s teeth, the same way the braces do. It is preferred by most people not just because of the convenience it provides, but because of its aesthetic purposes as well. Going through an invisalign procedure gives you a clear plastic aligner which you can install and remove at times. They are not applied to the teeth permanently unlike with traditional braces.

But before opting for this invisalign procedure, you have to know if it is the right dental treatment for you initially, depending on the condition of your teeth. Have them checked by a dentist, and they will recommend certain treatment procedures that will make your teeth look better as possible. And with invisalign, there are specific cases that it treats. Some of these would be teeth gaps, crowded teeth, overbite, underbite, and many other more. Thus, if you feel like you are experiencing this kind of dental problem, one of the solutions that the dentist will definitely recommend for you to go through would be an invisalign procedure.

Teeth Gaps

One of the dental issues that an invisalign procedure can help treat would be the spacing issues, or the gaps situated between the teeth. It is actually a serious problem that causes pain and gum disease, as food can get caught between the teeth and gums. Your gums become reliable to your teeth because of the protection it provides. Thus, if there are gaps, it leaves them to be more vulnerable. Furthermore, as gaps can be prone to collecting food, it sometimes leads one to battle certain issues like tooth decay, cavities, and the like.

With invisalign, these gaps and spaces can be corrected. It is an effective solution for closing the gaps to create better dental health and a more aesthetic smile. Invisalign can close these areas up so your teeth can look nicely aligned.

Crowded Teeth

Apart from teeth gaps, an invisalign procedure also has the ability to treat crowded teeth. Crowded teeth occur when there is not enough room in the jaw to be able to accommodate all of the teeth. With this, they can overlap and twist. They can even get pushed to the front or to the back at times. Thus, as the name implies, they tend to be crowded. They are the opposite of the gaps as this dental issue reduces the space between teeth, allowing for food to become stuck. You might even experience difficulty cleaning your teeth properly as well. The buildup of tartar and plaque might be possible to happen in this case, being a vital contribution to tooth decay and gum disease.

Having this dental issue can make it hard to brush and floss well too. With this, it tends to be easier for plaque, tartar, and other harmful bacteria to build up as well, which may lead to tooth decay and gum disease. And if you do not address this type of condition immediately, it can get worse in the long run. They can become extremely crooked, and wreak havoc on your bite, as well as how your smile will look.

However, with the help of invisalign, they can help fix this problem, treating some cases of crowding. This is certainly an effective solution, but still depends on how complex and severe the dental problem is.


Another dental issue that invisaligns can treat would be overbite. This occurs when the upper teeth overlap with your lower front teeth. You may think that this is just a normal condition for most people. But there are cases where their overbite is severe that makes it difficult for them to chew and bite. It can even cause irritated gums. The unnatural tooth placement occurring in this dental issue can also wear down the lower teeth. Which then, causing painful jaw joint problems.

Going through an invisalign procedure can be a way to move teeth. This is so that the top and bottom teeth would align properly, particularly when your mouth is closed. Their goal is to provide only a slight amount of overlap. They have the ability to provide precision wings that can push the jaw forward. Then, delivers the best results for your teeth.

However, similar to the role of invisalign as a measure to treat crowded teeth, how effective this dental solution would be depends on how complex the overbite is. But rest assured that it will still provide improvements that will make you smile brighter than before.


Opposite to overbite, underbite occurs when the bottom teeth are in front of the upper teeth. This is actually a problem relative to your lower jaw being too far forward. It prevents the front teeth and molars from functioning normally, leading to painful joint problems. This can also cause your teeth to wear more quickly. It makes chewing harder for one, while creating difficulties with speech as well.

Invisalign having the power to realign the teeth into certain positions makes it an effective solution to move the lower teeth back. This is so they can naturally sit behind the front teeth. But then, there are extreme cases where an invisalign procedure is not enough to treat underbite. Thus, these invisaligns are combined with traditional braces. These instances may even lead one to go through dental surgery as well.

Key Takeaway

There are other cases that are proven to be effectively treated with an invisalign procedure. Given that there are technological improvements that have been continuously studied and developed, cases that tend to be an impossible one to be treated can certainly be addressed easily over the recent years. More complex and severe cases are now being successfully treated. But then, whichever treatment or case there is to address, they all share the same goal — making one’s teeth appear brighter, healthier, and properly aligned.

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