
Mean by “sport”?

Sports, and especially team games, are an important part of our lives, whether we are spectators or participants. For many, football is an endless source of conversation, fans feel a strong affinity with their team, and star players have hero status. The current fashion for people to want to look good, young, athletic and healthy is manifested by the number of fitness clubs opening and the number of slimming magazines published, while the parks are filled with runners. Other activities that involve mental rather than physical exercise, such as chess, are also considered sports. There is something for all tastes and temperaments and, therefore, sport can really be closely linked to our identity and culture at some point in our lives.

If we look more closely at the underlying value and purpose

of sports and games, and this includes children’s games, it becomes clear that all 무료스포츠중계, be it soccer, stone throwing or yoga, have been developed as a means of teaching of life skills, the main reason why sports are seen as an important part of both formal and non-formal curricula.

. Accept that identity is complex, diverse and dynamic and to be oneself, and at the same time recognizing and accepting the rights of others to express their own identities is fundamental for the construction of a culture of human rights, in which everyone is equal in rights and respect. Identity is what makes each of us unique. However, this singularity is not the same throughout our lives; it is always changing.

Cultural rights

In the first place, cultural rights are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 27:

Everyone has the right to participate freely in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to participate in scientific progress and its benefits.

The protection and promotion of cultural rights

Are important for the empowerment process of individuals and communities. Having their cultural rights recognized helps communities develop their self-esteem and motivation to maintain their traditions and to be respected for their practices and values.According to the Human Rights Education Association, the right to culture in international human rights law is essentially about celebrating and protecting the creativity and traditions of humanity. The right of a person to enjoy and promote culture and science without state interference is a human right. Under international human rights law, governments also have an obligation to promote and preserve cultural objects, especially those of universal value. Culture is overwhelmingly applauded as positive in the vast majority of human rights instruments.

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