Digital Marketing & SEO

How can a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel Grow Your Revenue?

If making sales was as easy as pie, every business would be thriving. Yet a study by Forbes magazine and the Huffington 

Post revealed that up to 90% of online businesses fail within their first 120 days. The market today is very consumer-oriented, and your marketing strategy must be effective from the get-go. The internet is awash with content on products and services. And, precisely for this reason, it takes a lot more to get consumers’ attention.

The scope of digital marketing in Adelaide is vast, with Australia’s online advertising expenditure reaching $9.3Bn in 2019. To get and maintain a competitive advantage, you must have a good sales funnel. 

What are a digital sales funnel?

A digital sales funnel is simply the process from getting a potential customer to notice you to when they make a purchase or become a client. It involves generating traffic to your site, converting it into actual sales, and maintaining the relationships therein.

An effective sales funnel should take advantage of multiple channels to create exposure. The use of tools like SEO for local web content in Adelaide must generate as much traffic as possible at the top level. And, then methodically trickle this traffic downwards until generated leads have been converted to sales.

There is no one-size-fits-all structure for a sales funnel as every entity needs to specialize its marketing strategy to fit its needs. However, every funnel is based upon the same foundation that every marketing plan anchors on, the AIDAA model:

1. Attention

Get the attention of consumers. Dedicate the first steps of the funnel to generating content that simply creates awareness about your brand. Remember that at this point, they are strangers and therefore must first become familiar with the brand before you nudge them into the next phase. Traffic is created through social media marketing, email marketing, Facebook ads, SEO, etc.

2. Interest

Pique the consumer’s interest by highlighting your features. And, how they are unique. Interested individuals will engage you on social media, visit your website, click on an ad, etc. Here, the lead magnet now becomes a potential lead.

3. Desire

Build their desire for your product. You must convince them that their lives will be better with you in it and that you can solve their pain points. They will compare you to other brands at this point and you must stand out to usher them into the next stage.

4. Action 

Finally, prompt them to take action. Depending on the business model. The action could be buying a product, enrolling in a course, filling out a survey, etc. 

5. Advocacy

This recent addition to the traditional AIDA model emphasizes the need to maintain new customers and build brand loyalty. This way, they will likely remain repeat customers and bring referrals your way.

How a digital sales funnel builds revenue

A digital sales funnel could be described as a long game. The intention is not to close a deal on the first contact. Rather, it is to establish a digital relationship that translates into long-term winnings. Therefore, a funnel helps in these ways:

  • It helps you to know your target audience’s needs

There is a danger in designing a product or service based on your target customer’s needs. You may solve the wrong problem or present the wrong solution. You may use the wrong channel to reach them or fail to maintain a good relationship after purchase.

The first phase of any local digital marketing campaign in Adelaide is as much for you as it is for your customers. You are able to find out what their problems really are and how best to present your brand.

  • It helps to create targeted content

If you didn’t understand your target audience’s needs? You wouldn’t know the lead generation content to create or how to use it for conversion. A funnel will help you put out content that is specifically targeted at these potential customers, increasing the chances of action. 

  • It keeps you focused

Not all leads will eventually translate into paying customers. A sales funnel will guide you on which ones to pursue and which ones to discard. A well-mapped-out funnel will keep you on the right track, indicating who needs your attention and where to direct your focus.

  • It fosters trust

Creating trust in your brand takes time. A good sales funnel will have multiple ways to engage with the customers. Even if they take a long period before making any purchase. The content must remain consistent. Allowing room to interact with the brand and build a relationship that could lead to sales. Find the best SEO company in Adelaide. There is no doubt that in order to maximize your digital marketing campaign, a sales funnel is paramount. The funnel must be wide at the top to garner as much traffic as possible. Which must then be guided onwards until the point of conversion and retention.

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