
Business Cards And Dynamic Qr Code

Why include a QR code on your business cards? QR codes are easy to read, free and easy to recycle as they are dynamic codes. They can be updated whenever you want using a password, so why not have one on your business card? They are all advantages. Aircon servicing

More and more people are adding QR codes to their business cards, but they are not taking full advantage of the full potential of QR codes when it comes to marketing their business and services. The fact is that a QR code can be just as effective as augmented reality (AR) cards in making information exchange easy and effective.

A QR code on your printed business card offers you many advantages in addition to expanding the information offered to a potential client or linking to a digital link or to your social platforms on the web.

Insert a digital card in your business card with our QR code, you can create your vCard to download from the tab associated with the code, where you can insert your corporate image , photography , logo, etc… And store all the data you want, contact telephone numbers, company name, website, email, address, extra information, etc… The miQr.pro code is readable by any free QR reader. The encoded information can be URL or vCard. With your Qr code you won’t need to share your contacts, URLs or other data manually. You can also share your file or vCard by email or on your personal web page, either by scanning the Qr code maker or with a direct download icon to your file from your web page.

Why use miqrpro

With our QR, you can have a code linked to a video uploaded to YouTube or to your website, social network, etc… And you can update or change the link whenever you want, easily from any device with an internet connection with a password. By accessing the file with the password, you can view all the visits/readings that code has had.

Having multiple QR codes on your cards gives the recipient multiple options to follow you. Linking a code to each of your social networks will make it easier for you to get more followers on them.

It is very easy for a business card to be lost or simply thrown away. Adding a QR code increases the possibility and the number of people who can scan the code, download and save the contact information, website, mail, address, etc… With the corporate image or associated photograph that will be downloaded as an image. of profile in the contact that will be saved in the mobile device.

The business card, which has usually served to exchange contact information, can now become a marketing agency by adding a QR code.

If you like a minimalist card design with little printed information, adding the Qr code will force people to scan it (a high proportion of scans happen due to curiosity as to where the link leads).

Qr codes can be customized with different colors, sizes, backgrounds…

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