
What You Need To Know About Your Oral Health


Your oral health is the foundation of your overall health. It’s common to think that your mouth and teeth are “out of sight, out of mind,” but in reality, this part of your body is constantly working with bacteria and disease-causing germs. If you don’t take care of it, problems can arise and undermine the rest of your body’s ability to stay healthy. There are several health risks associated with poor dental hygiene:

The growth of dentist in Chatswood has been exponential over the past ten years. The number of dentists and dental clinics in the area has increased dramatically, as has the number of people who use those services.

The rapid increase in population has led to a rise in demand for dental services. Both children and adults suffer from dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease and missing teeth due to accidents or poor oral hygiene practices.

Your teeth say a lot about you.

Teeth say a lot about your oral health. They’re also a window into your overall health, and any changes in their appearance can signal underlying problems with other body parts. As you age, your teeth may become more sensitive or discoloured, which is average but still worth mentioning to your dentist because there may be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

Teeth brushing is not optional.

It’s probably no surprise that brushing your teeth is a good idea. After all, it keeps your mouth clean and healthy—and the better you take care of your oral health, the greater the chance that doing so will help improve the rest of your body.

But what if you need more time (or energy) to brush twice daily? Mouthwash can be a helpful alternative. While it doesn’t replace brushing entirely, its antibacterial properties can kill bacteria between daily brushings and help keep gum disease at bay. Dentists in Chatswood also recommend flossing daily; regular flossing helps prevent plaque build-up on teeth and gums and reduces the risk for cavities or periodontal disease.

Your tongue needs love too.

If you think your teeth are the only things that need to be cared for, you’re in for a surprise. Your tongue is covered in tiny bumps called papillae that help you taste food, and it also has taste buds that detect sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami flavours.

Nobody’s immune to plaque.

Plaque is a sticky, colourless film that forms on your teeth. It’s made up of bacteria and other substances that stick to the tooth surface. Plaque can lead to cavities (cavities occur when plaque builds up below the gum line) and gum disease, which can cause pain, swelling and bleeding gums. You can remove plaque by brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing once daily.

You can be at risk for serious health problems if you have poor oral health.

  • You can be at risk for serious health problems if you have poor oral health.
  • Bacteria in the mouth can cause infections, such as cavities, gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Periodontal disease is an infection of gum tissue and bone around your teeth that causes the loss of supporting tissues and bone that hold teeth in place.

Brushing alone isn’t enough.

While brushing is vital to good oral health, it alone won’t keep your mouth clean. Flossing is also crucial for removing plaque from between teeth and below the gum line. Flossing is one of the most effective ways to prevent gum disease and tooth loss.


Many factors may contribute to your oral health, but brushing and flossing regularly is the most important thing you can do. If you don’t brush and floss daily, your risk of developing gum disease increases significantly.

In addition to regular dental visits and good hygiene practices, avoiding smoking or chewing tobacco products is essential, as they can cause more severe issues with your teeth and gums over time.

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