Digital Marketing & SEO

5 Email Marketing Tips That Drive Results

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These are the techniques that are currently being used.

In actuality, the suggestions we’ll be sharing are the same tips we utilized to help a small business make more than $30,000.00 in revenues through their email marketing campaign.

As well as helped a small business earn over $12,000.00 in sales for Click Here the email campaign they ran.

If you’re looking to send out emails that get clicked on, opened, and then converted into sales, you’re in the right spot.

Let’s get started!

5 Proven Effective Email Marketing Tips

  • Email New Subscribers Immediately
  • Use Email Automations
  • Use Text-Based Emails
  • Replace Generic CTA Copy
  • Re-Engage Or Remove

Email Marketing Tip #1: Email New Subscribers Immediately

There’s a brief time frame of opportunity following the moment an email subscriber joins your list when they are enthusiastic and looking forward to the content you will be sharing with them.

The most effective thing is possible to do in this high engagement time is to immediately fulfill the promises that you made when they decided to opt to join.

It has one major advantage: It sets expectations that when your business says it’ll do something promptly, it will do it.

This builds trust and brand loyalty.

Consider sending emails to your new subscribers as you would send them a shipping notice. People hate waiting for things to arrive.

In fact, a study revealed that speedy delivery and no-cost shipping were the top reason for customers to purchase from Amazon.

In simple terms, be sure to treat brand new email subscribers the same way as Amazon treats its customers, and they will deliver their messages quickly.

Now, doing this manually each time you receive new subscribers would be very difficult and is not efficient this leads this to our next step.

Email Marketing Tip #2: Use Email Automations

Automated emails are sent automatically email messages that are timed or action-triggered to your email subscribers.

A trigger is the non-action or action taken by your subscriber to start the process of automation.

The most popular trigger is the person who is subscribing to a list, such as newsletters, however, there are many other triggers, too.

Here are 23 triggers that could be triggered:

That means that when you’re sleeping and eating your breakfast the automation is working to send you emails on a regular basis.

All of this is possible without any involvement from you.

The most appealing aspect of the use of email for marketing is that it allows you to make a set of emails that you can send out in a the course of.

It can also help in moving individuals from being a mere subscriber to becoming a paid customer.

It is also known as a drip-campaign or email series.

We have a few marketers with all year’s worth of email messages in their drip series therefore they do not need to think about marketing emails.

Our top three automation to employ are:

Welcome email automation

This automated system includes the first email that a user receives upon joining your email list. It also includes another series of emails to help them stay in touch throughout the course of time.

Abandon cart automation

This automated system aims to retrieve those 81% shopping carts that were abandoned through sending emails that overcame the objections to buying.

Repeat customer automation

This type of automation is focused on encouraging the purchase of repeat customers from previous customers by delivering new promotions and products that address their issues.

Our most used email marketing platform for sending email automation includes Active Campaign.

Other platforms like Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor offer automation as well.

Email Marketing Tip #3: Use Text-Based Emails

We’ve all received emails that are stunningly created with lots of gorgeous images and vibrant colors.

These are the ones you buy through Wayfair and Chewy.

Although they look fantastic, however, they aren’t always sending the right messages to your viewers.

Here’s why…

The emails we are most concerned about are those sent by our family and friends and our colleagues.

These emails are typically not designed with a lot of effort.

In actuality they’re usually standard emails that contain text, with bold or italicized fonts being used occasionally.

However, the emails usually designed appear like ads.

If you’re not convinced Check out the emails in the tab for promotions in Gmail with the emails you have in your main tab.

It’s not an accident that emails that appear like ads the most are classified by Gmail as being promotional.

So, if you’d like your email to be more authentic and personal switch the layout to an uncomplicated, mostly text-based style.

Email Marketing Tip #4: Replace Generic CTA Copy

Find out more.

Now is the time to buy.

Shop now.

They’re the CTAs that we’ve seen millions of times.

and because they’re frequented and are so frequent, they do not make a great job of engaging subscribers.

When you make use of cliché CTA messages, you lose any potential clicks, thereby increasing the rate of openness to your emails.

Here are three highly-impact email marketing strategies to make CTAs to your messages which readers are unable to resist clicking on.

Include an Audience Goal or Pain Point

In the bestseller publication How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carniege, it states that:

“The only way on Earth to influence other people is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it.”

This is also true for the copy of your CTA copy.

The thing your target audience is most interested in is finding a solution to their problem or the best way to achieve their objectives.

Therefore, including them in your CTA copy could yield amazing outcomes.

The following is from Casper.

Casper recognizes that the main objective of their fans is to ensure that their bed is free of spills and dirt.

Instead of using an unspecific CTA message such as “Shop Now”, they employed “Stay Clean”.

It appeals to their viewers’ purpose and offers the opportunity to achieve it.

Don’t go overboard and ensure that the CTA text you choose to use matches the message that you are sending out.

Make Your CTA Low-risk

Words such as “Buy Now” require a large number of your customers.

It requires them to make a commitment to using your credit card as well as paying money before they click on your sales page. This is quite a bit to ask.

Instead, you can try something safe, like “View Products”.

A simple switch from “Sign Up” to “Sign Up For Free” could seem more secure.

Be aware of this, readers are more likely to click in response to your CTA in situations of low risk.

Provide A Peek Into The Future

The majority of people want to know the contents of an entrance before walking through it.

Therefore, CTA words like “Click Here” is not the most effective way to bring people to visit your site.

This is due to the fact that it gives no information about what’s going to happen following.

Instead, you should use action-oriented verbs and descriptive text to give a hint of what the reader will be able to expect. when of “Get A Discount”, try “Get 30% Off”

Of “Click Here”, try “See All Services” “Learn More”, try “Learn About Email Marketing”

A business that does an excellent job of giving their subscribers via email a glimpse into the future by using CTA button is Handy.

Take note of how every CTA is very informative and focused on action.

Here’s a unique spin on the standard “Buy Now” CTA that is action-oriented and descriptive.

Try these three strategies take a look and see if you can enhance you CTA copy and outcomes to increase click-through rates.

Email Marketing Tip #5: Re-Engage Or Remove

When it comes to building email lists the notion that having a big list equals success in email marketing is a long-standing myth.

In actuality it is true that having an engaged list is more profitable than having a huge list.

But what should you do with those subscribers who have opted out and don’t want to even bother to open your emails?

Send the re-engagement emails, which are often referred to as a win-back campaign.


Following receiving a re-engagement email 45 percent of users read the next emails according to the Email Monks.

The most effective thing that can occur is that you can draw people who are interested. You also are able to make some sales while doing it.

The most horrible scenario that could happen is you clean out your subscriber list of unsubscribers.

Cleansing your checklist can lead to four major advantages:

Higher open rates

Higher click-through rate

Fewer spam reports

Costs for email platforms are reduced because of the volume of your list

Here’s how you can re-engage or get rid of your subscribers.

Step 1 Create a segment for inactive subscribers that have not opened your emails.

It could look different based on the selling cycle of either your item or services.

For most companies when a customer hasn’t read your emails in the past 30 days or so, it’s time to send an email to re-engage them.

Step 2: Create a win-back automation

This is an automated sequence of emails to encourage your subscribers who aren’t active to take a look at your emails.

We recommend following the sequence of a win-back strategy: an incentive email and a reminder then, an “Before I Go” email.

Common topics are:

[First Name], We Miss You

Before I Go [First Name]

Did You Forget About Us?

Third step: Disconnect the subscribers who didn’t engage with your win-back strategy.

It’s cheaper for you to keep subscribers rather than buy a new one.

We’re sure we’ve mentioned that this post is about five email marketing strategies We have an additional tip for you.

Bonus Tip: Create Unique Email Segments

Subscribers aren’t the same size as everyone else.

Each of them has a distinct set of characteristics and interests that make them different.

So, how do you communicate with every subscriber who is specific to their desires and needs?

The solution lies in proper email segmentation.

Segmentation is the process of grouping subscribers according to similar attributes, interests or needs based upon the information about customers.

When you send emails to certain “segments” of your list You can ensure your emails are beneficial to them.

Here are some categories of segmentation as well as examples of how to start your creative juices flowing:

  • Budget subscribers whose monthly budget exceeds $2,000
  • Interest in Products or Services: Subscribers who indicated an interest in marketing via email
  • engagement level: Customers who opened any of your 5 most recent emails
  • Localization: Subscribers who live in Atlanta
  • purchase history: Users who did not made a purchase in the past 60 days
  • Purchase Value Subscriptions that have more than $300
  • Gender Users who stated they were female or male

The combinations of segments that you can make are limitless.

The key to a successful division is to identify what metrics are crucial to your company and then collect the relevant data.

If, for instance, you’re a service provider and you want to know when an individual will be moving forward is likely to be a factor you’d want to be aware of and divide your lists by.

If you’re an eCommerce company with several items, knowing the kind of items that your customers are most interested in is an important metric to be aware of and then segment your list of email subscribers according to.

Sort your list of email addresses to make sure the correct messages are delivered to the appropriate people at the right time.

Quick Recap

There you go – some fantastic email marketing strategies you can employ to increase the number of emails you open, click-through rates and even sales.

To summarize, we discussed ways to:

1. Email new subscribers immediately

There’s a window of high engagement when someone registers to join your email list.

It is also recommended to promptly fulfill your promise made when they signed up for your newsletter or an offer.

This will establish expectations that your business will be able to keep its promises swiftly.

2. Use Email Automations

Automation of emails is automatic, time – or action-triggered emails you email to your subscribers.

It is possible to use email automations to build a sequence of emails. This is also referred to as drip campaigns also known as an email sequence.

They are sent an additional email to make people go from being a subscriber into an actual customer.

3. Use Text-Based Emails

Most of the emails with a lot of design are perceived as advertising or offers that are actually in the promotions tab of Gmail.

The emails we get from friends or family members do not have any style whatsoever and are purely text-based.

If you’d like your email messages to be more authentic and personal you should opt for predominantly texts-based emails.

4. Replace Generic CTA Copy

CTA copies like read more, learn more, and purchase now are very common and, consequently, don’t usually get people to take action.

If you add an audience’s objective or pain point this can make your CTA risk-free.

By providing a glimpse into the future, your CTA buttons are clearer and engaging and yield better results.

5. Re-Engage or Remove

We are aware that having an engaged email list is much more lucrative than having a huge list.

To re-engage customers who have stopped responding Try the win-back strategy – the sending of a series of emails to remind those who are interested.

If they don’t reply to the email then you can clean your subscriber list of inactive ones.

If you’ve have found these email marketing strategies useful, we can help you with much more to help you with your marketing.

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